A Great Foundation Starts with a Foundation Certification
FHA/HUD and VA mortgage loans require a foundation certification for all manufactured homes which is signed by a professional, state-licensed engineer. Let Jones & DeMille’s Foundation Certification Specialists complete your certification today!
A Simple Process to a Faster Loan Approval
- Step 1 - The homeowner hires a engineer.
- Step 2 - Inspectors conduct a virtual site visit using a video conferencing or virtual meeting platform (i.e. Zoom) to examine the condition and adequacy of the foundation.
- Step 3 - The engineer compares the foundation as constructed to the HUD Permanent Foundations Guide for Manufactured Homes.
- Step 4 - The engineer prepares a letter summarizing their findings and states whether or not the foundation is compliant.
- Step 5 - The homeowner proceeds with the refinance or sale.
Have A Question?
Professional Engineer
Utah #12078655-2202
Dan McGuire, Professional Engineer at Jones & DeMille Engineering, is an expert on FHA, HUD, and VA Foundations Certifications for manufactured homes.
Call: 435-896-8266Email: info@utahfoundationcertification.com
Keeping it in the Budget
We keep the inspection cost as low as possible for the homeowner. That is why we set up a Zoom or other video conferencing call with the homeowner or homeowner’s representative. The homeowner acts as an Avatar for the engineer. Our process provides significant time and cost saving to the homeowner without incurring travel time and mileage charges.
Schedule a Foundation Certification Virtual Site Visit
We are Committed to Your Home and Family
We are concerned about the safety of families and dedicated to helping protect investments. Occasionally, the contractor or original homeowner does not build the foundation properly or secure the home to the foundation. An engineer’s inspection and foundation certification report assures the homeowner and the loan underwriter the footings and foundations are built properly and the house will not suffer undue damage from wind, earthquakes, snow loads, and settlement.
Why Jones & DeMille Engineering?
UtahFoundationCertification.com is owned and operated by Jones & DeMille Engineering, Inc.
The intent of this site is to provide loan officers, underwriters, real estate agents, and homeowners with in-depth technical information pertaining to engineering certifications and structural inspections for manufactured homes in Utah. With hundreds of successful certifications, we know that experience matters.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are foundation certifications important?
Manufactured homes are constructed at a facility then transported to the final home location where they are installed on a permanent foundation. Occasionally, the contractor or original homeowner does not build the foundation properly or secure the home to the foundation. An engineer’s inspection and foundation certification report assures the homeowner and the loan underwriter that the footings and foundations are built properly and that the house will not suffer undue damage from wind, earthquakes, snow loads, and settlement.
We are committed to more than just providing a check mark or a signature. We are concerned about the safety of families, and we are dedicated to helping protect investments.
What are some of the requirements for an FHA/HUD manufactured home foundation certification?
For all FHA/HUD certifications, the HUD Permanent Foundations Guide for Manufactured Homes (1996) must be followed. This is a 405-page design standards manual issued by HUD for the manufactured housing industry as it pertains to permanent foundations.
How does a virtual site visit work?
We like to keep the inspection cost as low as possible for the homeowner. For this reason, we typically set up a Zoom or other video conferencing call with the homeowner or homeowner’s representative. They act as an Avatar for the engineer. This allows us to avoid charging for travel time and mileage and can save the homeowner several hundred dollars. The Avatar will need a phone and a flashlight because their phone’s flashlight will not turn on during a Zoom call. They will need to be able to crawl under the home to view the foundation system. Most of the time, the foundation system can be observed from the entrance to the crawl space, but some homes may require some army crawling. Virtual site visits generally take about 15-30 minutes.
How much does a manufactured home engineer foundation certification cost?
Our standard fee is $375 for the virtual site visit and report of findings. If you need a quote for an in-person site visit, please call Dan McGuire at (435) 896-8266
How long does it take to issue an engineer foundation certification?
Most engineer foundation certifications can be issued within three (3) business days – sometimes even faster. We do have a 24-hour to 48-hour RUSH service also available.
What happens if you perform an inspection and the foundation is not HUD compliant?
If one of our inspectors performs an inspection and the foundation is non-compliant to HUD standards, we will follow this general procedure:
Issue a non-compliance letter listing issues that need to be resolved and recommend if a small retrofit or completely new design needs to be completed.
If required, after a local contractor installs components to bring the foundation into compliance, we will need to perform a post-retrofit review of the installed components. There will be no fee for reissuing the letter.
If all the components have been installed according to our recommendations, we will then issue a letter from the engineer certifying that the foundation is in compliance and meets HUD standards.